Wanted to get myself a new cell phone so I could hear myself as a ringtone. Who knew the store would go and check my credit score?
August 9, 2024

List of Most Dangerous Areas In London

most dangerous areas in london
Image : London Inheritance

Now, looking at the latest numbers about crimes in London, it’s clear that there are some most dangerous areas in London.

Westminster is the leading spot with 352.6 crimes for every 1,000 folks living there.

After comes Newham (123.5 per 1,000), then Camden (156.7 per 1,000), Southwark (131.9 per 1,000), and Tower Hamlets (126.7 per 1,000).

Other important places include Croydon, Lambeth, Ealing, Hackney, and Brent.

These are some most dangerous areas in London and have crime rates much higher than the usual in the UK.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Areas in London

Now we will take a look at the top 10 most dangerous areas in London.


On the number 1 spot of “Most Dangerous Areas In London” comes Westminster, having a crime rate of 352.6 out of every 1,000 people, is known as one of the most hazardous parts in London. In 2023, it saw a massive number, which was 57,802 cases of theft making it very well-known for crimes involving property.

This high rate of crime is mostly because it’s a very popular tourist spot, with many places of interest and government buildings that pull in big numbers of tourists.


The second place of “Most Dangerous Areas In London” is Newham. Newham has a crime rate of 123.5 per every one thousand people, which labels it as a riskier part of London. In the year 2023, reports came in of 43,866 crimes having occurred, and stealing was the most common crime type with 11,951 cases.

A mix of different people and economic problems lead to the high number of crimes in that area.


Next place of “Most Dangerous Areas In London” suggests Camden. It has 156.7 offenses for every thousand people, and is known as a rather unsafe place in London.

In the year 2023, Camden had 42,886 crimes in total.

These are due partly to its lively nightlife and lots of places that tourists like to visit.

A busy place with lots of people visiting makes it easier for theft and unpleasant acts to happen.


Southwark is also considered in the “Most Dangerous Areas In London” list. Southwark is known as one of London’s more risky areas because, with its crime rate at 131.9 for every thousand people, it faces many dangers.

In the year 2023, there have been 42,202 crimes in total. This number is quite high and can be related to Southwark’s famous landmarks and lovely river sides that attract both the community living nearby and visitors from far away.

Tower Hamlets

If we are talking about “Most Dangerous Areas In Londonhow can we forget Tower Hamlets. Tower Hamlets has a crime rate of 126.7 out of every 1,000 people, which means it is a dangerous place in London. In the year 2023, there were said to be a total of 42,058 crimes reported by this borough.


Croydon is a bit risky in London with a crime rate of 103.6 for every thousand people. There were 40,247 crimes happening there in the year 2023. That is why Croydon also comes in “Most Dangerous Areas In London”.

This area faces a lot of issues with gang fighting and drug crimes that make the crime numbers high.

Local leaders are working to fix these problems, trying to stop bad groups, helping young people who might be in danger, and starting community projects that help decrease fighting and present better choices.


Now on the 7th spot of “Most Dangerous Areas In London” list comes Lambeth. Labnet’s crime rate is 124 for every thousand people, which makes it a rather dangerous area among the London boroughs.

In the year 2023, there were 39,918 crimes reported in total, and Brixton, a well-known place for travelers to visit, calls this area home.

This lively area gets lots of people coming in, but it also has problems with lawbreaking like stealing and fights.


Ealing, known for having crimes at 108.9 for each thousand people, is seen as one of the more unsafe boroughs in London.

They had a total of 37,060 crimes reported back in 2023. That is why we had to include Ealing in the list of “Most Dangerous Areas In London”.

Ealing has areas where people live as well as places for businesses, and this mix can cause different kinds of crime to happen here.


Hackney is known as one of the risky areas in London, having a crime rate that’s 128.6 for every thousand people.

In the year 2023, there were 36,120 crimes reported there. Even though Hackney has a lively arts and music scene, it still faces problems with more crimes than other places, especially in some parts of the borough.

A mix of different people, money problems, and a lively cultural setting makes a complicated situation where you need to use many strategies to tackle crime and keep everyone in Hackney safe.


Brent has a crime number of 108 per every thousand people, which makes it a more risky area in London among all boroughs.

There were a total of 35,408 crimes noted in 2023. It’s important to point out that harming people is the most common crime in Brent, with 9,580 such cases happening.

There is a high frequency of violent crimes that brings major obstacles for the police and programs aimed at keeping communities safe.

Factors Contributing to High Crime Rates

Many reasons lead to higher crime rates in some parts of London. Poverty and lack of money in society can make people do criminal acts because they need to or cannot find a good job.

Drug deals and gang matters are very important too, as these illegal groups frequently fight and bring in young, naive community people.

Big number of people living close together along with travelers or visitors staying temporarily can raise the danger of being victims because they hide in plain sight and may commit crimes when nobody notices.

Most Dangerous Areas In London tells us about how society, money problems, getting involved in the community, and city troubles are all connected.

As London keeps changing, fixing these problems means working together with the local government, groups helping people, and people living there.